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      中信银行A股今天一度涨停,据说跟巴菲特有意参股有关,称“《东方日报》则引述内地财经专家潘大透露,巴菲特拟入股的公司可能是中信银行”。我在《东方日报》上没有找到,只在《太阳报》的网站上搜到了相关报道,其中果然提到,“……市場人士指出,油價居高不下,面對經營環境困難的航空業應不是巴菲特「那杯茶」,相反金融業務乃巴郡的老本行,獲股神青睞機會較大。內地著名財經專家潘大指出,巴菲特擬入股的公司很有可能是中信行。…… 首先,他相信中美早前已就開放金融業達成多項共識,包括人民幣兌換管制放鬆、工行(01398)設紐約分行、與大摩設北京分行同時獲批等,已反映有關共識。此外,中信銀行母公司中信集團早前擬購併美資投行貝爾斯登,反映中信管理層拓展美國業務的決心,故獲巴菲特信任亦屬順理成章。……”
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       在温州晚报的这篇报道《改判史无前例 一切大局为重》中提到(假设记者引用的是原话):
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      太蔟——这个常驻新语丝的科学主义老愤青,到底是男是女,我一直很感兴趣。看其文笔,绝对是个男的;但我又隐隐约约记得,有一次其在新语丝上跟人掐架时,暗示过自己是个女的。看完其最新发彪而写的《还原奥运精神》,我忍不住又Google了一下“太蔟 男的 女的”(当然这几个搜索词也许有些白痴),试图找到其究竟是男是女的线索。

      没想到前几条结果依次如下: “上班族成为宅男宅女的危害”,“【男男之爱】还在说“宅男”“宅女”? 现在是同人女的天下!”,“御宅族/宅男/宅女/干物女的日文”……直到第一页的下方,才有了一篇太蔟blog的链接,这也是前三页搜索结果中唯一出现“太蔟“字眼的。我又依次搜了一下“太蔟”、“男的 女的”、“黄钟 男的 女的”、 “(俺的名字) 男的 女的”,结果虽然也有些不靠谱,但也不像这样满眼的”宅男宅女”。也许,Google已经非常智能,对于像太蔟这样天天窝在家里写批判文的老愤青,能自动把他/她跟“宅男/宅女”关联到一起:-)


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Blue Screen of Death on The Opening Ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Aug 11 Notes:

Hey guys, the following photos were taken at the opening ceremony of Beijing 2008 Olympics Games. I was sitting in Sector H, Tier 3, Aisle 534 of the National Stadium (the Bird’s Nest), and the blue screen was on the right position above my head, more than 10 meters away. You can check the Exif info of each photo to see the shooting time.

In the begining I didn’t recognize it as a blue screen because it rotated to a 90º angle and was somewhat far. It stayed there from the middle of the ceremony process to the end, lasting more than one hour since I noticed it. Even now I’m wondering why those on-the-scene operators didn’t handle the crashed computer and left the blue screen displayed for such a long time.

More interesting is that when the man (Li Ning) who finally lit the main torch got down from the air, he passed by this blue screen! Maybe someone near my position (Sector H, Tier 3) had shot a picture which contains the torch, the Li Ning and the blue screen at the same time. So ask your friends to check his/her photos taken at the ceremony 🙂

Aug.12 adds: ooooops, gizmodo.com (where many readers of this blog just come from) has shown the perfect picture that contains both Li Ning and the BSOD 🙂 I knew it must exist, I knew it! 😀

(click the photos to enlarge)




Windows Blue Screen on the Olympics Opening Ceremony of Beijing 2008




Aug. 12 Add: I just checked the pictures I shot and find something, see the notes.  It seems that the blue screen last at least about 2 hours(from 22:00 pm to 24:00pm).

This is a photo I shot at about 21:00 pm, and there is no blue screen.


And then shot at about 22:00 pm, this photo shows a blue edge, which I think is the blue screen. As I said earlier, I didn’t recognize it as a BS until nealy 23:40pm, which is the time I shot the photos posted earlier in this blog.

BTW, I’m not a Jobs’ fan, a Linux geek or a PSer to fake pictures:P And  it is reported that the XPe OS used in this ceremony are part of 120 HES Axon Media Servers, so they can’t be pirated 😛

Aug. 13 add: Below is a combination of pictures that may help better understand the different positions. Pic.1 is part of the perfect photo(thanks to the original photographer, you are such a great nerd :-)), Pic.2 is taken from one of the videos I shot when Li Ning got down from the air, and Pic.3 is part of the picture I posted earlier in this blog. The red arrow points to Sweden’s national flag, next to the Swiss. And the green arrow is to a flag that directs to top of the BSOD.

Well, that’s it. And enjoy the Games 🙂

Aug. 14 add: Well, in my view it’s nothing but funny. I guess it could be software or hardware errors, even not a mistake with Windows but something wrong with third-party devices or drivers. …Anyway, give a good laugh and enjoy the Games 🙂

Aug.14 add again: Some people asked me a few questions through email and I would like to quote my answers here. I’m not a tech geek, so my point of view may be totally wrong; and English is not my native language, I just try to express clearly what I think. In short, these photos are just for fun and related with nothing but tech and nerds 🙂

– Many internet users say the photos are fake. Do you confirm you took yours during the opening ceremony?

Well, these photos are definitely real and taken during the openning ceremony. You can use some software to see the EXIF info of the photos, to check the shooting times and other original information. For example, one photo contains both the BSOD and the players standing in the center of the Bird’s Nest, and it’s taken at Aug.8 23:50:47. I only resized them and printed some signs (at first even no signs) before putting them on my blog.

I’m not the author of the perfect one that contains both Li Ning and the BSoD. But I believe it’s also definitely real, because I’ve compared it with photos I shot. It’s said the BSOD can also be found on NBC’s video. I believe many other people who sat near my position (Sector H, Tier 3) on that night also shot such pictures, even though they haven’t recognized it or published it.

– What’s your interpretation? Human mistake?

I don’t know the exact version of Windows used in the ceremony and how they control the devices. I guess it could be software or hardware errors, even not a mistake with Windows but something wrong with third-party devices or drivers. It’s not a BSoD screen saver because I’ve compared them 🙂 I only wonder why it stayed there for a long time, but I think these experienced IT guys on the scene had their own reasons for that.

Anyway, in my view its impact to the ceremony is minor. It’s difficult to see and I believe few people on the spot ever noticed it or cared about it. And the beauty of the ceremony was not affected. Maybe it’s nothing but funny.

Aug.18 add:  Hey guys, these photos are ONLY about a minor and somewhat funny COMPUTER error, NOTHING else. To those who try to use these photos to attack the Opening Ceremony or the Olympic Games, and those who try to use them to attack the Chinese people: LEAVE THIS BLOG and SHAME ON YOU!

Sep. 3 add: everything could crash, so does the Google Chrome 😛 When I was using it to browse this live space, for some unknown reason it just crashed and said: “哎呀!谷歌浏览器崩溃了。 现在重新启动?”("Oops! The Google browser crashed. Restart it now?") , see the photo on my gallery here 😛

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    8月4日发生的事,让我想起看过的一篇文章,叫《天堂72个处女的由来》,原文在新语丝上(被盾了,可以用TOR看到),是由gopher翻译的英国卫报2002年1月12日的一篇书评,英文叫《Virgins? What virgins?》(by Ibn Warraq,背景很有趣),评论的书是《The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Koran》,作者是Christoph Luxenberg
    “ …… Luxenberg试图证明,如果我们把《GLJ》里的某些词当作古叙利亚语,而不是阿拉伯语,那么就消除了《GLJ》里的许多含糊的内容。《GLJ》的第44章54节、52章20节、55章72节和56 章22节为忠实的信徒许诺了大眼睛的天堂美女。我们在这里没法深入到Luxenberg的方法的细节,但是它让Luxenberg魔术般地把这些美女变没了,这可能吓坏了所有梦想着在死后得到性赏赐的MSL男性。根据叙利亚的Ephrem的赞美诗,Luxenberg的新的分析认为那应该是“水晶般透明”的白葡萄干”,而不是美目的,甚至是长为处女的天堂美女。Luxenberg认为上下文清楚地表明天堂提供的是食物和饮料,而不是贞节的少女或者天堂美女。
     这篇书评的八卦之处姑且不论,这本书的学术争议也放到一边(具体参见该书在amazon上的评论,wiki以及另一篇评论),引用某人所说,“Yes, it’s just 72 white raisins, organic though. I’m afraid those 烈士们 have to munch on delicious raisins and make do with hxxx jxx, provided they don’t actually end up in a very, very hot place.”。
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【摘要】 【 在 houqinfuwu (黄牛) 的大作中提到: 】 : 近两天,有人“疑虑”青年公寓的米饭是用 毒大米制作的。对此,我只能说这是一种毫无根据的猜疑。 …
bbs.gucas.ac.cn – 相关网页”

       houqinfuwu 这个ID应该是“后勤服务”的意思吧-_-! 怀疑“Google网络词典”就采用了“英文单词+括号+中文单词+括号”或反之的搜索匹配,而没有任何判断和过滤。


回复人:〖黄牛帮〗祖师爷*软件黄牛(Ivcn)2006-5-13 18:06:43
csdn.eyeah.cn – 基于3个网页”


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1. 搜索文件NPSWF32.dll,可能位于 (系统盘):\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash或firefox安装目录\plugins,把它删除或改名;

2. 在firefox地址栏输入about:config,把plugin.default_plugin_disabled属性值改成false,以便禁止安装插件提示。

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       读罢帖子,找来了《蝴蝶梦》的片儿。看开头,竟是希区柯克所导。(Alfred Hitchcock,我总算把他跟库布里克(Stanley Kubrick)区别开了。)刚看完《后窗》和《惊魂记》,以为擅长悬疑片的希区柯克早期也曾热衷于导爱情片。看完之后,才发现《蝴蝶梦》(Rebecca)也被我深深地误解了,竟然属于我喜欢的一类片儿…

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